
Foam Rolling Tips from Sandra Kawahito

At Home Exercises on the Foam Roller

By Monica Duffy April 26, 2018

Finding time to take care of our bodies can be challenging with everything we juggle as parents. Yet, we try to squeeze in a jog or yoga class or whatever exercise we can do in our busy schedules. We make it work because it feels good and we know how beneficial it can be. But how much time do we set aside to stretch and roll out our muscles? Probably not enough (I know I forget to do it often). 

Sandra Kawahito - owner of Westchester-based Mamai Fitness and our featured Mom Boss this week - wants to set us straight and get us foam rolling on a daily basis. Find below some of her favorite exercises that can be done at home, any time! 

One of My Favorite At-Home Exercises ๐ŸŒฟFoam Rolling 

Foam Rolling is a form of self-myofascial release or self-massage that gets rid of adhesions in your muscles and connective tissue. Foam Rolling can also increase blood flow to your muscles and create better mobility, helping with recovery as well as prevention of injury. 

Piriformis Foam Rolling 

You start by sitting on the foam roller with your ischial tuberosity (sits bones) on the foam roller.  You bring the left foot on top of the right knee.  Then you shift your weight onto your left cheek ๐Ÿ‘Then you roll the foam roller from below your sits bone to above your sits bone. 

Calve Foam Rolling 

My other Favorite is to Foam Roll my Calves (especially after playing tennis with my family!)

Place the foam roller under your calves and gently roll up and down.