
Cure for Carpool Boredom

Podcasts for Moms to Enjoy

By Monica Rohleder Duffy September 21, 2018

As moms, we wear many hats - chef, professional organizer, teacher, coach, and uber driver. Yes, running around town, dropping off and picking up kids seems to be the latest in my professional repertoire. Or professional limo driver. It takes a big chunk out of our day....and it can seem like we lose a lot of time to do other things. 

Recently, I decided to take the plunge into listening to podcasts that could benefit me personally, professionally and psychologically. Here are some of my favorite podcasts during those daily carpool rides! 

1. An Audio Guide to Happiness - By Savvy Psychologist: I found this podcast on Spotify and I instantly knew it was serendipitous. I have been trying to balance so many things in my life and figure out next steps in my career, and this series of episodes about finding and maintaining a happy lifestyle was just the right mix of inspiration and education. 

2. When to Jump - By Mike Lewis: This is also on Spotify and I was was super psyched to find it! I am literally in a personal debate/exploration of what my next step will be for my career. Do I stay where I am or do I move on? Try a new passion project or shift gears altogether? This podcast explores how people have decided to take a jump - make a career move, start something new and so forth and it is a great listen if you are feeling the same way! 

3. Up and Vanished - By Tenderfoot TV: If you like mysteries, this podcast is a mix of unsolved mysteries and stories that will just rock your world. Atlanta filmmaker Payne Lindsey of Tenderfoot TV created this podcast to explore unsolved mysteries. And it is engrossing. And sad. But he's out to solve these cases and it is compelling. 

4. Moms Who Rule the World - By Amy Dunkel: This is a new one for me and I am excited to listen. For all of us moms, it is great to hear from and listen to other moms who experience all of the parenting roller coaster that we do. Take a listen.  

5. Presidential - The Washington Post: In the current political climate, I have been inspired to educate myself on our history and government. This podcast takes us on a Presidential journal, learning about each former leader of our nation. This podcast helps us learn more about our history, leadership and the inner workings of the highest position in our land. 

I hope your daily drive gets a little more exciting! And tell us what podcasts you love!